Friday, August 6, 2021

Digital Fluency Intensive : Week 2 Blog Post

Today was our second session of the Digital Fluency Intensive course for term 3 - today's focus was workflow, and how to make some small adjustments to our daily practices.

During this session, we dived deeper into the Manaiakalani's LearnCreateShare pedagogy. Since last year, my kuraa has been encouraging us to apply this pedagogy to our learning programs, especially when we were in lockdown and had to give distance learning a go. I am trying to embedded the pedagogy more and more in my planning (although I must admit it is still a work in progress!), and my students are really enjoying it. They particularly enjoy working on their create activities, which they love to share with their peers or with other adults around our kura. 

Today's create activity was through Meet, which I thought was pretty cool. We each hosted a meet,  recorded ourselves talking and answering questions about our task, and then embedded it onto our professional blogs.
We were asked to look at some student blogs from last year - and let me tell you, there was so much awesome creative learning going on! I looked at Celine's blog post, where she was showing her audience how she made an Oreo cheesecake.
Unfortunately, all the rain from today has meant that my internet connexion was lagging at times. When I was watching the recording of me presenting to Tracy and Michelle, I noticed a lot of black patches with no audio so I've super quickly used screencastify to get rid of them. Hopefully, I haven't missed any!

If I am being completely honest, if I don't mind recording myself, I'm definitely not quite at the stage where I feel comfortable listening to the recording itself. 🤪 

I wouldn't have thought of using it for my learners to record themselves and share their learning. However, I do teach 6 and 7 years old and don't think it will be the most accessible activity for them - I will be sure to keep this in my kete for later

I am really, really looking forward to some more learning with the team next week.


  1. Kia ora Flo. Good on you for using Screencastify to edit your Meet recording, great idea! We'll be looking more at hanga/create next week so hopefully you'll get a lot from that session. Did you pick up any good tips for Gmail or Calendar from session 2?

  2. Kia ora Flo, excellent idea to edit your work using screencastify and I am glad to hear you have been getting your students creating! Just remember it is all a process and takes time so the more you try the more you get and not all of it will stick straight away. Keep up the great work!
